Have you ever heard the phrase, “loose lips sink ships”? The phrase was actually created as a slogan during World War II by the US Office of War Information. It was part of an ongoing effort to warn people about inadvertently giving useful information to enemy spies.
This is how it looked back then……

Since I worked for a military contractor for many years, I am very familiar with the need to protect the data within your company, project, etc. And it was drilled into us, over and over again, that ANY conversation we had outside of the office could potentially be overheard. And used to the detriment of our customer. So I “grew up” in business being well aware of the need to protect information.
In today’s environment that is even more important. Not only for military contractors but for commercial business as well. You think I’m kidding -- relative to the commercial business? Nope, I’m not. Think about how valuable the information you carry around is. For example, wouldn’t your competitors like to know that you are planning to compete on “x” contract? Or wouldn’t your customers like to know that you are working on a new product -- one that will obsolete the product that they are preparing to spend millions on?
Your competitors (and others) are constantly on the lookout for information that will give them an advantage over your business. Most firms don’t resort to industrial espionage -- mostly because they don’t have to. All they have to do is to hang out in the places that you and your staff frequent. Think about it. How many lunch-time conversations have you had about sensitive business with your colleagues? And did you know who sat at the tables next to you? What information did you and your colleagues inadvertently give away?
Of course, I’m not suggesting that you succumb to paranoia. Only that it is prudent for any executive to remember how valuable the information they carry around in their head truly is.
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