Monday, August 2, 2010

8-2-10 Visibility

I never gave much thought to visibility…. Until re-reading some of the comments and input from my research survey. If you remember, I asked each participant to tell me the one thing that they wish they had known when they became an executive. Here’s what one research participant had to say…..

“New executives must be particularly visible so the stakeholders can satisfy their curiosity on whether or not the new executive was the right choice for the job, and whether or not he or she can be trusted.”

Interesting twist on visibility, isn’t it? Frankly, whenever I’d thought about visibility in the past, it was way more self-centered….. As in, wanting to get positive visibility with my boss or potential bosses so that my career would advance.

However, this twist on visibility acknowledges the need that the people around you have. And it makes sense. When you are first promoted to the executive ranks, many people will know you and your past. However, they don’t know how you will operate as an executive. Additionally, there are many more people that don’t know you at all --- and want to understand how you will operate.

Whether they know you already or not, people are interested (and even worried) about how you operate and what impact it will have on them.

The concept actually touches on a couple of aspects in the Executive Skills and Traits Model (12-30-09 Morphing to a Model). Within the model, there is a set of skills labeled Communication Skills (1-4-10 Let's Talk). And while the idea of visibility doesn’t fit nicely within those individual skills, what is visibility if not some form of communication?

And you will note that my survey participant addressed the need for people learn about the new executive’s trustworthiness. If you look in the Executive Traits section of the model, you will find a set of traits called Honest, Ethical, and Credible (1-18-10 Executive Traits). Certainly, those who promoted you have already made this judgment as to your trustworthiness. But many more people will still need to see you, interact with you, and make their own judgment.

So remember, as you go about your day, people are looking for you. Quite literally. So that they can learn about you, what makes you tick, and how you will impact their lives.


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