Monday, July 26, 2010

7-26-10 So Many Bosses, So Little Time

For whatever reason, today I was pondering the various types of bosses out there. Of course, there are as many types of bosses as there are people holding the position. But a few types come to mind for me……

The Hit and Run. This boss never seems to have enough time to do anything properly. He runs into your office, drops a new assignment on you (like a hand grenade), and then breezes out before the explosion. Or he arrives at a meeting 10 minutes late, spends everyone else’s time getting caught up to speed, and then leaves early --- before any decisions can be made. Of course, his buy-in is required, so the decision is delayed to another day. Or with performance reviews --- you can count on them to be scheduled and re-scheduled, multiple times, because he always seems to have more important things to do.

The Psycho. With this boss, you never know which boss will actually show up. Think Mel Gibson in his current state --- you know, the psycho that keeps ranting and raving on those recorded phone calls. One day, this boss is as nice as can be. And then the next? Well, when you recognize the signals, you learn to stay out of his way during those times. ‘Cause lets face it, when he is in psycho mode, you cannot do anything right or to his satisfaction.

The Good Ol’ Boy. Also known as The Politician. This guy is everyone’s friend. And all too often, he will say exactly what you want to hear -- and not what you need to hear. He knows everyone’s business, and doesn’t hesitate to insert himself into it, but only if he can be the hero.

The No Questions Answered. You know the type --- “because I’m the boss, that’s why”. Oh sure, he’ll never say that out loud, but you know that is what he means. Don’t bother asking questions, because he won’t answer them or will duck you when he sees you coming. Or if he does deign to answer the question, he’ll be sure to make you feel like a fool for asking.

The Figurehead. This guy generally doesn’t have a clue. He IS the boss, but to get anything done, you have to figure out who is really in charge and go to that person.

And on a side note….. Yes, I put these in terms of “he or him”. But that doesn’t mean we women are exempt from these types. It happens with either gender.

And while I’m on a side note, yes I recognize that I’ve just written about all the negative boss types. Oh sure, I know that there are good ones out there. But really, would that be as interesting to read about?!

Why is it important to recognize the different types of bosses? First, you need to know who you work for and how to handle their idiosyncrasies. Because we all “manage” upwards with our boss. And knowing the type of boss you have will make your upward management strategies more efficient.

Second, you need to understand what kind of boss you are. If you are one of these negative types, KNOCK IT OFF. Seriously, you’ve probably worked for one of these folks in your career. Didn’t you just hate it? So, if you ARE one of these types, don’t you suppose that you make life way to difficult for those people that work for you?


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