Monday, September 6, 2010

9-6-10 Labor of Love

They say that raising children is a labor of love. While I can’t attest to that, I can vouch for a similar idea….. That you should love what you do. Yes, it is called labor, but why do it (whatever your chosen profession is) if you don’t at least occasionally enjoy it?

Yes, I realize that in today’s job market, we should probably be happy that we have a job. Or if we are out of work, happy with whatever is offered to us. But the job market won’t always be that way.

And whether or not the job market comes back, the executive has a couple of responsibilities. The first is to him or herself. Have you done some analysis of your job lately? What makes you look forward to going to work? What makes you dread getting out of bed in the morning? And how can you modify your existing job to get more of the former and less of the latter? And if you can’t make the necessary modifications, are there other jobs within your company that would be less labor and more love for you? Despite the job market condition, it is always a good idea to move around in your current company than hopping from company to company.

The second responsibility of the executive is to his/her employees. It is never too late to sit down with each direct report and understand what makes them love to come to work. No, they probably won’t tell you what makes them dread coming to work. But you can certainly read between the lines and figure it out. Then it is your responsibility to work with them in creating opportunities that puts the love back into their labor. And if you can’t get rid of the things that create the dread, at least be up front with them and say so. We can all do the drudgery for a while --- if we know our bosses understand and appreciate it.

So on this Labor Day, first kick back and relax. Then when you get back to the office tomorrow, it is time to start working on how to turn labor into love.


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